Thursday, February 27, 2014

Arts Integration on the Web

As I was searching the internet for resources, I found many, many places that claimed to have arts integrated ideas and lesson plans. However, these sites all fell short with not much of anything good on them. I did, although, find a few helpful sites for us.

The J. Paul Getty Museum: The Getty Museum has a section on their website where you can browse or search for lesson plans. I was able to search by grade level range and subject. Many of the lesson plans I looked at had some great ideas and would only have to be tweaked just a little to fit within the guidelines of true arts integration. I even saw many elementary level lesson plans that had good ideas which I could modify for my middle school students.

Denver Art Museum Creativity Resource for Teachers: This website produced by the Denver Art Museum is fabulous. There is an abundance of arts integrated lesson plans available to search through. The lesson plans I viewed were already arts integrated, as they were teaching both content areas. I found many great ideas on this site that I could easily incorporate into my units. Like the Getty Museum page, you are able to search by specific criteria such as grade level and content area.


  1. These are sites that I did not come across in my search for sites. I like it when you can browse by grade or content area. I found that as well about sites that claim to be arts integrated, and then it turned out to be strange things. Or things that were not good quality. I think that it is important to know what is quality websites and lesson plans and what is not. It is up to us to filter through the lessons and really hit lessons that will be the best for our students.

  2. I agree with you Renee. Its nice to be able to browse by grade or content area. This is I like Education Closet too. It is really up to us to figure out which sites are reliable. There are so many out there that can mislead us if we are not careful.

  3. Thanks for the Denver Art Museum site. I just boomarked it!

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