Friday, June 13, 2014

PDAE/CCSD ConFABulation!

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I am not sure I am doing this correctly but I would like to say how awesome the confab conference was! I enjoyed each speaker and learned valuable concepts from them. I am excited to intertwine the storytelling and the arts taught by Melanie Layne. I am wishing it ways August so I can establishe the drama and contract by Sean Layne! I am going to try it on my own children as well. Love the fact that each Layne was precise, strong, and expectations were set at the beginning! I think it will really help my classroom run smoothly. I also cannot wait to incorporate the "tableau" sp? That is a very exciting way to check for understanding and teach!! I cant wait! Thank you Kathryn for the opportunity to learn from the confab conference!!!!


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