Friday, June 13, 2014

PDAE Arts Integration Blog: PDAE/CCSD ConFABulation!

PDAE Arts Integration Blog: PDAE/CCSD ConFABulation!

I am not sure if this is responding to the confab blog or not but here it goes... I truly enjoyed the conference in a way I never have! I was actually excited to go back the next day! I enjoyed boyh Layne's conference part! It will be exciting to see the results as I incorporate the tools taught by both- the contract, the tableaus, the critical thinking, and cooperative learning! I also am excited to try the storytelling learned from Stotts? I think creative and critical thinking are going to happen iny class if I incorporate the tools learned from this conference. It is exciting and I cannot wait!

PDAE/CCSD ConFABulation!

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