
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

ELA Marcy Seba- Lesson 5

ELA Marcy Seba- Lesson 5
I found several short and sweet arts integrated lesson plans on this site.  One I delved into was Integrating music with writing.  It uses the lion/elephant selections from The Carnival of the animals.  Students listen to the music and picture in their minds what the animals are doing.  Then they write whole group an individual descriptive sentences about what the animals are doing and their movement.  Then they listen to the musical selection again and pantomime and do tableau and add more to their sentences.   I really liked the way the lesson was so succinct.  It was only one page!  But I suppose our four day plans are important to use as we are learning how to integrate arts into our curriculum. 
The following sites were links posted on the education closet site.
The Whole Schools Initiative is an arts integration website with information on strategies, lessons and teacher trainings.  Lots of wonderful information here!
I opened a zip file from this site with an extensive thematic unit on hurricane Camille.  For part of the lesson they use interactive dance with twirl streamers to experience a hurricane through their imagination.   This was called a creative visualization story.
A website focusing on techniques and resources for incorporating the arts in all classrooms in a variety of meaningful and rich ways.
This site offered workshops and in-school classes with professional development opportunities.  There was also a Getting Started link that had a website with resources and also highlighted sections of the site that are good starting place.  There was a how to do arts integration tutorial.  This site seemed to be geared more towards teaching artists.  I didn’t see any lesson plans and it was more of a how to implement arts education for arts educators.
Like Pinterest, but specially designed for Educators!  This format is Arts Integrated at its heart…you’ve gotta check it out!
I really didn’t find any arts integrated information or lessons here.  It does have a lot of arts in general stuff and classroom ideas.  Perhaps if I explored further I would find the “Arts Integrated at its heart…”


  1. First reply-Lodesky
    I really enjoyed reading about the lesson using the Carnival of the Animals. It sounds similar to a lesson that I have done in the past; similar, but not exactly. It sounded too good to be true too . . . a one page arts integrated lesson plan. Again, like you, I realize as I am learning, I need to write out all the sections. But it would be nice to have it all on one page, especially one that is completely finished, tried and posted. Additionally, like you I viewed several other sites not listed in my posts that were not arts integrated, but arts enhancement.

  2. The lesson on Carnival of the Animals sounds wonderful. I think a great addition to it would be to have the students create their own music which they think would fit the animal's characteristics. Carnival of the Animals is a very diverse piece of music with enough sections that you can repeat the same process with several of the pieces. They are short enough and musically descriptive enough to hold students' interests.
